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Watering Pot Rain Gauge Mouse Trap
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Shoemker's Cistern (above) From a 1640 image we have a shoemakers cistern. This lead water tank would keep the ball of sticky wax in a water bath. This is a 4 x 3 1/2 tank made from 1/8 inch lead, and won't be knocked off the bench too easily. Reproduced from an admittedly poor dated 1640 image. Shoemaker's Cistern: $40.00

Mousetrap (above) Here is an absolutely documented 1740 mousetrap from Amityville on Long Island, New York. It measures 7x 3x 2 1/2 approximately. Mde of hand forged iron and old wood ... and they work! Serious Mousetrap: $125.00

Traveler (above) Handmade by Peter Goebel. Travelers were usually used to measure a curved surface such as a wheel, but they were also used to rough-measure lumber. The brass wheel measures 12" as you roll it along. The handle extends through the wood and is peened over at the top. Measures 9 and 1/2 inches overall, with a wheel of 3 and 3/4 inches. Traveler: $120.00

Watering Pot (above) Handmade by Peter Goebel. This style of watering pot was called by the ancient Greeks a "water thief", as you could take water from one place to another. John Worlidge described well in 1677: "There is another sort of Watring pot that hath a small hole at the bottom and another at the Top, so that when you sink it into a Vessel of Water, it will fill by the lower pipe or hole, the air passing out at the hole at the top where the handle is also: when it is full take it by the handle and stop the hole with your thumb, and when you come to the Plant you intend to water, you may ease the hole whereon your thumb lies, and as you please let the water out at the Pipe in the bottom, and so may you stop it, and open it with your thumbs, at your pleasure ..." Our watering pot is made of heavy solid copper, measuring 15 inches tall and 8 1/4 in diameter with a hole pattern in the base. Has a 6 1/4 inch diameter domed top. Capacity about 1 and 1/2 gallons. The handle and thumb hole are comfortably curved to fit your hand. Other sizes possible, please contact us for availability. Watering Pot: $280.00

Rain Gauge (above) Handmade in the USA. Historically inspired from late 18th/early 19th century originals. The naturalist movement of the late 18th and early 19th century made every interested person a scientist and botanist. Everyday people would take measurements and come to their own conclusions about the world around them. This rain gauge is a simple copper cup with tall sides. The friction-fit cap is made with a funnel inside to channel the raindrops. It's the perfect addition to any naturalist's collection. Measures up to 7" of rain at once. 3" in diameter, measures 8" tall. Made in rust-proof copper. Rain Gauge: $200.00

Counter Board and Tokens (above) Counter board, for figuring sums up to $4000. Markers at 1-10-100-and 1000. The space between is for 5 - 50- and 500. It's basically a simple vertical abacus that allows addition and subtraction of whole dollar amounts. In the picture, the tokens on the board show 1766. The board is copper. The numbers are stamped with 18th century original stamps, and the 20 tokens are pewter reproductions. Counter Board and Tokens: $60.00
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