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TLC = Tin Lined Copper TLB = Tin Lined Brass
PLT = Pitch Lined Tin
UL = Unlined
T = Tin C = Copper B = Brass
S = Small M = Medium L = Large
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Site Map
Needle Books - + Original Ball Head Pin - + Small Notebooks - Some Thoughts on the Manufacture of Lead Tokens - Extracts From Peter Kalm's Travels 1748-51 -
Boxes, Barrels, and Containers
Round Boxes - Small (A) , Medium (B) Large (C)
Octagonal Box - (D)
Long Oval Boxes - Small (E) , Large (F)
Long Oval Box - (G)
Oval Boxes - Small (H) , Large (I) Heart Box - (J)
Spectacles Case - (K)
Tiny Box - (L)
Coffin-Shaped Box - (M) Octagonal Brass and Copper Box - (N) Oval Brass and Copper Box - (O) Fire Starting Kit - Vasculum - Basic Tin - Dutch Bank - Georgian Bank -
Cups and Canteens
Flaggon -
Lidded Flaggon -
Flaggon with Tavern Lid -
Tavern Lid -
Virginia Tankard -
Cathy's Cup - T , TLC
Drinking Cann - T TLC
Gil - , w/lid Jack -
Beaker - L TLC S TLC
Kidney Canteen - PLT , TLC
"D" Canteen: PLT , TLC
Pocket Flask - w/lugs
Soldier's Cooking Cup - Pint Size Canteen - Tavern Mug - Medieval Footed Canteen - Jubal's Cup - 1468 Canteen -
Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, and Spirits
Coffee Pot - L S
Chocolate Pot - L , S + Lid , Muller
Tea Pot - L , M , S
Tea Strainer -
Tea Caddy Spoon -
Square Tea Caddy - TLC , TLB
Octagonal Tea Caddy - TLB , TLC
Mulling Cone and Brandreth -
Ale Shoe -
Sylabub Mixer -
Sarbotiere -
Flit - Ca. 1703 Chocolate Pot -
Ale Spike -
Coffee and Chocolate Bean Roaster -
Gentleman's Folding Handle Coffee Pot -
Bottle Stand - C Miniature Coffee Pot - Still, with Lynn Arm and Plug - Worm Tub - Still with Lynn Arm and Plug, with Worm Tub - Basic Still Set - Alembic and Cucerbit - Cork Drawer - Wood Negus Strainer -
Cooking and Baking Utensils
Sausage Stuffer - Bread and Cheese Rasp -
Lidded Nutmeg Grater -
Large Dutch Grater -
Small Dutch Grater - "A" and "B",
Skummer -
Cake Rings - L , S
Baking Sheet - C
Small Cookie Cutters -
Gnome Cookie Cutters -
Snowman Cookie Cutters -
Egg Bowl -
Swedish Knackebrod Cutter - T , C
"S" Hooks - , each additional inch +
Half Sphere Colander -
Bail Holder - Measuring Cup - Copper Dipper - Roman Cochlearium - Jack - Gill - Jack and Gill Set - Pocket Grater - Wooden Grater - Small Skimmer "Scummer" - Spice Box -
Funnels, Basins, and Pails
Funnels - L , S
Brass Basin -
Wash Basin - L , S
Pails - L $85.00, S
Gaming and Toys
Brass Cribbage Board -
Gaming Counters - , L
"Lead" Tokens or Counters - The Game of Shoffe Groate -
Jewelry and Clothing Accessories
Stock Clasp - Sleeve Buttons - per pair Bosun's Pipe Hanger - Clog Fasteners -
William and Mary Chandelier - Sash Light - Candlestick Set - Round Leaf Sconce - Round Chamberstick - Small Round Chamberstick - Dutch Round Lantern - Meeting House Lantern - Watchman's Lantern - Cathedral Lantern - Wiscasset Sconce - Lantern/Pot Hanger - Thousand Eye Lantern - Betty Lamp - Adjustable Candleholder - T B , C Tall Chamberstick - T B , C , handle + , antiqued finish + Candle Shield - B Beam Spike - Post Sconce - T C B antiqued finish + Dousing Cone - Tulip Sconce - Copper Cone Chandelier - small , large Tavern Lamp -
Making Fire - Footwarmers and Braziers
Spalls -
Ember Tongs -
Barrell Bellows -
Barrell Bellows w/Handle -
Octagonal Foot Warmer -
Wood Frame Foot Warmer -
Cone Foot Warmer -
Ball Brazier -
Cast Iron Brazier -
Coal Carrier -
Skewer Set -
Smoker's Companion -
Curfew - Fire Starting Kit - Pickwicks -
Medical Items
Barber's & Surgeon's Bowl - C, B
Mudge's Inhaler -
Lather Box -
Infusion Pot -
Leech Tube -
Cupping Lamp - Cups for Cupping Lamp -
Spatula Mundani -
Perkins' Tractors -
Pill Roller Set - Tin Medicinal Bottle - Tongue Scraper and Depressor - Tongue Scraper - Ca. 1680 Male Catheter - Plumbea Fistula - Small Clyster Syringe - Large Clyster Syringe - Unguentum Basilicon - Traveling Smallpox Inoculation Kit (1720-1798) - Dental Cauterey - Electuary Spoon - Burras Box - Stitching Quills or Cannulas - Surgical Pipes - Cautery Plate Set - Ether Cone -
Speaking Cone -
Powder Flask / Voyageur Flask -
USS Constitution Mess Kit - cup , plate
Rupert's Shot Maker -
Brass Charger -
Artillery Quill Primer -
Fancy Powder Funnel -
Horologium Noctis, or Night Dial -
Brass Arrowheads - "A" , "B" Chart Magnifier - Pocket Priming Flask - Bosun's Pipe Hanger - Speaking Trumpet -
Pots and Kettles
Corn Boiler - L , M , S
Stock Pot -
Porridge Pot -
Everted Rim Saucepan -
Riveted Kettles - L , M Small Riveted Kettle -
Small Trade Kettle - TL , UL
Large Trade Kettle - L UL
Porringer - C. 1630-50 French Kettle - Cistern - Little Cistern - Dutch Hemispherical Kettle - Small Dutch Hemispherical Kettle - Bellied Porringer -
Sewing Items
17th Century Bodkin - Federal Knitting Needle Holders -
Oak Seam Smoother -
Brass Lucet - Inverted Heart Chatelaine - Leaf Chatelaine - Small Shield Chatelaine - Large Shield Chatelaine - Chatelaine Bodkin - Chatelaine Pencil - Needle Book - + Original Ball Head Pin - +
Copper Ladle -
Coconut Dipper -
Plate Warmer -
mustard pot Tin-Lined Copper Plate -
Traveler - Watering Pot - Rain Gauge -
Weskit Inkwell - B , C T . Porte-Crayon , Small Quill
Traveling Inkwell - B , C. Porte-Crayon , Small Quill $
Porte-Crayons - Reg. , Artist's , Small
Leads -
Ca. 1600 Portable Inkwell - C B
Surveyor's Inkwell - T C , B
Portable Sander - T , C B
Document Case -
American-Pattern Sander - T C , B
Pounce -
Ivory Notebook - . Extra Leads Extra Pencil New Page
Faux ivory Notebook with Hanging Loop -
Miniature Notebook - Brass Desk Set -
Horn Book -
Pencil Nail -
Brass Capstain Inkwell -
Quills -
13th -14th C. Paperclip - 1709 Paperclip - Chatelaine Pencil - Cone Bottle - Tube Bottle - Small Notebook - Sander -
What's In Your Pocket?
Ivory Notebook - Extra Leads , Extra Pencil $ New Page Ivory Notebook with Hanging Loop - Miniature Ivory Notebook - Tricorn Keychain - Brass Lucet - Brass Heart Rings - Pewter Sinkers - Brass Bracelet - Seam Smoother - Federal Knitting Needle Holders - 13th-14th C. Paperclip - 17th Century Bodkin - "Lead" Tokens or Counters - Pocket Spice Box - Smoker's Companion - Brass Tobacco Box - Small Dutch Grater - "A" & "B" Brass Decoder Set - Pipe Covers- Pocket Grater - Basic Tin -
The Scratch & Dent Page
Some Thoughts About History
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